I am Enrique Olivieri, a seasoned NYC Photographer who has recently found his creative haven in beautiful South Florida.

My profound journey through the world of imagery commenced during my teenage years, an era marked by boundless curiosity and an insatiable thirst for creativity. Little did I know that this innate fascination would unfurl into a lifelong passion and a flourishing career. In the pivotal year of 1982, destiny guided me to pick up my first Nikon 35mm camera while stationed against the backdrop of vibrant Okinawa, Japan. This significant moment not only kindled the flame of photography in my heart but also intertwined with my service in the United States Marine Corps, instilling in me the virtues of discipline and dedication that continue to define my approach to this day.

Beyond my military tenure, I carry with me the esteemed title of a retired Law Enforcement Supervisor, a role that further enriched my understanding of human dynamics and refined my ability to perceive the nuances that shape our world. This unique amalgamation of experiences equips me with a multifaceted perspective, allowing me to approach photography as a powerful tool for narrative expression and branding.

Photography, for me, is not just a profession; it is an integral facet of my identity. What was once a hobby has seamlessly evolved into a vocation that sustains me both financially and emotionally. As I traverse the ever-evolving landscape of artistic expression, my camera serves as an extension of my vision, a means to distill moments into visual tales resonating with authenticity and depth.

My lens is innately drawn to the artistry of headshots and portrait photography. These genres empower me creatively, enabling me to unveil the latent allure within each subject. Whether it's capturing the essence of a corporate luminary in a compelling headshot or immortalizing an individual's spirit in a portrait, I take immense pride in my ability to encapsulate their stories through the lens of my camera.

The chapters of my portfolio are graced with the privilege of capturing moments for A-list and independent movie production companies. My lens has danced with renowned actors and journeyed to illustrious fashion shows across the globe, all while my work has been showcased in distinguished publications like WIRED and VOGUE. These accomplishments are not merely accolades but reflections of my commitment to storytelling through visuals.

With each shutter click, I strive to immortalize not just the physical aspects of the moment, but the emotions, aspirations, and dreams that reside beneath the surface. My portfolio stands as a living anthology, housing countless stories I've had the honor of weaving – each narrative adding a unique stitch to the fabric of the human experience.

I extend my gratitude for stepping into my world – a world where every photograph is a storyteller, and every story possesses a purpose. I invite you to explore my portfolio, delve into my journey, and perhaps even become a part of the tales that await their turn in the spotlight.

Photographer | Visual Storyteller | Media Consultant

I am the “E” and the “O” from our POEM Enterprise.

Hello there!

My name is Pamela Martinetti. I am a higher education explorer with a passion for smart saving and travel.

I am a passionate advocate for education, armed with a Psychology undergrad major and a MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish from New York University. With an impressive 19-year journey in higher education, my expertise spans across diverse realms. As a seasoned professional, I possess an in-depth understanding of college admissions, strategic educational marketing, and impactful recruitment strategies.

My journey through higher education equipped me with the skills to navigate budgets efficiently. Coupled with my love for exploring the world, I've gained a unique perspective on life. This realization inspired me to share my insights and assist people in achieving their goals. Beyond financial acumen and travel tales, you'll find me immersed in the world of words, reading and writing whenever I can. 

However, my true passion lies in steering aspiring minds towards a future unburdened by student loans. Navigating the intricate landscape of college financing is where I excel. I am dedicated to empowering students and families with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve their educational dreams while sidestepping the looming shadow of debt.

Join me on a transformative journey where education meets financial wisdom. Let's pave a path to higher education that not only shapes minds but secures futures, ensuring that your college experience is enriched without the weight of student loans.

Higher Education Consultant| Money Management| Travel

I am the “P” and the “M” from our POEM Enterprise.

"Two Minds, One Vision 🌟
United by a shared vision and a drive to make a difference, we embarked on this journey to provide you with POEM Media. With a fusion of expertise and dedication, we're here to bring you innovative solutions, unparalleled service, and a commitment to your success.